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FirstPromoter Affiliate Postback Setup

Connection Method:Postback, CSV
Link Detectionyes
Pricing Models:CPA
Supported Events:lead, conversion
Update Scheduleinstant
SubIDs (max length):fp_sid (unknown)

FirstPromoter does not offer an API option, and you need to set up a postback link or upload a CSV file.

The FirstPromoter postback option is only available for merchants who are using their ‘Enterprise’ plan. All other accounts must upload their Sub-Ids report to LinkClicky.

How To Setup FirstPromoter Postbacks

LinkClicky supports both lead and conversion events with FirstPromoter. You must create a postback for each type of event you wish to track. To setup please follow these steps and repeat for each type of LinkClicky event.

  1. Log in to your merchant’s FirstPromoter account
  2. In the top right menu dropdown, select Postbacks.
  3. Next, press the Create Postback button.
  4. Fill in a Name (it can be whatever you choose, like “LinkClicky – Conversion”)
  5. Select the Campaign you wish to track from the Campaign dropdown list.
  6. Next, select the Trigger dropdown menu. Typically, you would set a new referral (what LinkClicky considers a lead event and New Commission as a conversion event)
  7. For the postback URL, use one of the below depending upon the Trigger (LinkClicky event type). Replace [YOURLINKCLICKYDOMAIN] with the domain used for your LinkClicky account.
  8. When done, press the Create button.

New Referral Trigger

https://[YOURLINKCLICKYDOMAIN]/link/event/?trackid={{visitor.sub_id}}&com={{reward.amount | divided_by: 100.0}}&val={{reward.conversion_amount | divided_by: 100.0}}

New Commission Trigger

https://[YOURLINKCLICKYDOMAIN]/link/event/?trackid={{visitor.sub_id}}&com={{reward.amount | divided_by: 100.0}}&val={{reward.conversion_amount | divided_by: 100.0}}

Example Postback

Updated on February 10, 2025
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