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  2. Viator Affiliate Conversion Import

Viator Affiliate Conversion Import

Connection Method:CSV
Link Detection:yes
Pricing Models:CPA
Supported Events:lead, conversion, chargeback
Update Schedule:
SubIDs (max length):campaign (255)

Viator is a travel planning service with a direct affiliate program. While it has an API for white-labeling reservations it offers no such tracking of affiliate conversions and must be done manually via a CSV upload to LinkClicky.

  1. Login to Viator partner portal.
  2. From the menu on top of the screen go to Performance
  3. Select Bookings tab.
  4. Once on the Bookings page select date range.
  5. After selecting the date range, under booking status select confirmed. 
  6. Then, on the far left of the screen, there will be a button that says export. Select export to download the CSV file.
  7. Login into LinkClicky console.
  8. From the left menu with the Integrations menu, select Affiliate Systems.
  9. From the Viator entry select the Upload button
Updated on April 23, 2024
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