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  3. Setup Awin Partner API Setup

Setup Awin Partner API Setup

Connection Method:API
Link Detectionyes
Pricing Models:CPA
Supported Events:lead, conversion
Update Schedule:hourly
SubIDs (max length):clickref (50), clickref2 (50), clickref3 (50), clickref4 (50), clickref5 (50), clickref6 (50)

Awin is a large affiliate network that has a robust affiliate API. LinkClicky can integrate into Awin’s API to download leads and conversions.

How To Setup Awin API

  1. Login into Awin.
  2. The publisher ID can be found at the top right of your dashboard
  1. Next, select the people icon to left of your publisher ID. From that menu, select API Credentials.
  2. Now enter your Password and then press the Show my API token button.
  3. Record this information. This is your OAuth information.
  4. Now login into your LinkClicky dashboard.
  5. On the left side menu, select Affiliate Systems.
  6. Edit the Awin entry.
  7. Insert the JSON info below with the edited [OAUTH2] and [PUBLISHERID] from the previous step.
  8. When finished, click Save.

JSON API Information

  {"oauth2": "[OAUTH2]", "publisherid": "[PUBLISHERID]"}
Updated on November 22, 2023
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