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  3. How do I set up Impact Affiliate API?

How do I set up Impact Affiliate API?

Connection Method:API
Link Detection:partial
Pricing Models:CPA
Supported Events:lead, conversion, chargeback
Update Schedule:hourly
SubIDs (max length):subId1(64), subId2 (64), subId3 (32), shareid (32)

LinkClicky can connect to your Impact account to download the latest affiliate conversions. Impact is one of the larger affiliate networks with over four thousand brands. Companies such as:

  • Avis
  • Banana Republic
  • Best Buy
  • Calvin Klein
  • Doordash
  • Empower
  • Fundrise
  • Grubhub
  • Levi’s
  • Just to name a few…

How To Setup Impact’s Affiliate API

To get Impact setup with their API integration, please follow the following steps:

  1. Login into Impact
  2. Once logged in, you’ll notice there’s a three-period icon at the bottom left of the web page.
  3. Select that icon and select the Settings option.
  4. From that menu, select API Access under the Technical section.
  5. You want to insert the Read Only scope. Copy the Account SID and Auth Token fields.
  6. Login to your LinkClicky dashboard.
  7. On the left side menu, select Affiliate Systems.
  8. Edit Impact entry.
  9. Insert the JSON info below with the edited [ACCOUNTSID] and [AUTHTOKEN] from the previous step.
  10. When finished, click Save.

JSON API Information

  {"accountSID": "[ACCOUNTSID]", "authToken": "[AUTHTOKEN]"}
Updated on December 4, 2023
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