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  3. How to setup Rakuten Advertising?

How to setup Rakuten Advertising?

Connection Method:API
Link Detectionyes
Pricing Models:CPA
Supported Events:lead, conversion
Update Schedulehourly
SubIDs (max length):u1 (72)
  1. To use the API, you must generate a token by visiting their developer website.
  2. In the Account menu, select Applications and create an API Credential.
  3. For the name, use LinkClicky and press the Create button.
  4. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret information.
  5. Next, visit Rakuten Advertising.
  6. Login to your Affiliate Publisher account.
  7. In the top right is your SID information.
  8. Login to your LinkClicky dashboard.
  9. On the left side menu, select Affiliate Systems.
  10. Edit Rakuten Advertising entry.
  11. Insert the JSON info below with the edited [SID], [CLIENTID] and [CLIENTSECRET] from the previous step.
  12. When finished, click Save.

JSON API Information

    "sid": "[SID]",
    "clientID": "[CLIENTID]",
    "clientSecret": "[CLIENTSECRET]"
Updated on January 13, 2024
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