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How can you track multiple devices for one person with LinkClicky?

Today’s Internet visitors to your website use multiple devices. Tracking is problematic since modern-day tracking is deterministic and typically uses a web browser cookie.

The cookie stored on their smartphone differs from their desktop computer visiting the same website.

So analytics software typically treats them as two distinct devices. This causes attribution problems, like affiliate marketing. This can also apply when selling your own product.

One method around this is using other interaction methods to track the same user.

Enter modern-day mailing list services as one method. ActiveCampaign, Drip, and ConvertKit all create a unique id for each email address on your mailing list.

You can use this unique id and pass the information when a visitor clicks on a link in any newsletter or email automation. Since Woopra allows tracking of people individually, this makes this very easy to do with some add-ons.

With some additional functionality with Google Tag Manager, Woopra, and LinkClicky, it is easy to merge any website visit or affiliate click.

Updated on March 17, 2023
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