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What are Lead Events?

Some affiliate programs support the sending of lead data to you.

For the purpose of consistency, LinkClicky defines a lead as a visitor who signs up for said service but hasn’t paid for the service. They are, in effect, a lead to the merchant.

A lead is a precursor to a conversion. It’s another step in the sales funnel. It shows intent on the visitor, and they’ve taken the next step towards a conversion.

Some systems define a lead differently. Some affiliate systems have a well defined event for leads, others use a conversion event but assign a zero commission amount.

LinkClicky tries to make them consistent across platforms.

A LinkClicky Lead Event isn’t the same in affiliate marketing as what’s known as CPL – Cost Per Lead. You were paid for the lead and, in effect, a conversion – for you. This is to make LinkClicky more consistent with the ad networks and how they track events.

LinkClicky separates leads into its own event named, oddly enough, Lead Event.

This data can be sent to the ad networks and retarget that visitor.

Updated on March 23, 2024
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