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  3. How to setup Meta (Facebook) Ads

How to setup Meta (Facebook) Ads

LinkClicky currently captures and sends these events to Meta:

  • Leads
  • Registration
  • Checkout
  • Conversions

LinkClicky uses Woopra Profile Reports to capture and send these events to Facebook. Since these are using Woopra, these reports can be customized to exactly what you want to be sent to Facebook.

Because of tracking problems with iOS devices, it is not recommended to use JavaScript/pixel option for Facebook tracking. Instead, LinkClicky recommends using server events.

You must set up your website so we can capture and send events to Facebook.

PixelYourSite is the WordPress plugin we recommend you use and install. Either the free or paid version.

	"pixel_id": "[PIXEL_ID]",
	"access_token": "[ACCESS_TOKEN]",
	"events": {
	   "lead": "[LEAD]",
	   "registration": "[REGISTRATION]",
           "checkout": "[CHECKOUT]",
           "purchase": "[PURCHASE]"
Updated on September 27, 2023
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