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  3. How to setup ShareASale API Reporting Integration

How to setup ShareASale API Reporting Integration

Connection Method:API
Link Detectionyes
Pricing Models:CPA
Supported Events:lead, conversion
Update Schedule:every six hours
SubIDs (max length):afftrack (255)

Connecting ShareASale API to LinkClicky takes just a few minutes. It lets you download your events from over 25,000 merchants to your LinkClicky dashboard. Companies such as:

  • FreshBooks
  • Reebok
  • Grammarly
  • Etsy
  • myFICO
  • Weebly

ShareASale limits how many times in a month LinkClicky can connect to their API. We only connect to their API four times daily or every six hours to ensure we are under their monthly allotment.

We connect at 0, 6, 12, and 18-hour intervals in the UTC timezone.

How To Setup ShareASale

Here are the steps to connect ShareASale Reporting API to LinkClicky.

  1. Login to ShareASale affiliate console.
  2. Select the TOOLS menu, and then select the API Reporting menu option.
  3. Please set up the following options for your account.
  1. Once done, press the Update Settings button.
  2. ShareASale will generate a token and secret key if this is your first time setting up.
  3. Your Affiliate ID is a seven-digit number at the top left of your ShareASale account.
  4. Insert the affiliate ID, token, and secret key to the JSON snippet below.
  5. Add it to the ShareASale section in your admin dashboard in the Integrations > Affiliate Systems.

JSON API Information

   "affiliateid": "[AFFILATEID]",
   "token": "[TOKEN]",
   "secretkey": "[SECRETKEY]"

Updated on December 11, 2023
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