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  2. Getting Started
  3. What are LinkClicky’s software requirements?

What are LinkClicky’s software requirements?

The software is installed at a hosting provider, requires minimal web hosting requirements, and is similar to WordPress.

LinkClicky Requirements

  • Your existing WordPress blog (optional)
  • Web hosting for a subdomain to house LinkClicky:
    • Linux
    • Web server with .htaccess (i.e., Litespeed, Apache, or Apache with Ngnix as the proxy) Ngnix is currently not officially supported.
    • PHP 8.1
    • cronjob access
    • SSH shell access
    • subdomain (i.e., go.yourdomain.com)
  • Woopra (optional for Lite Plan, required for Pro)

The hosting requirements are minimal. We recommend two options:

If you have existing hosting, more than likely, you can set up a subdomain for hosting. However, larger installations of LinkClicky should opt for a VPS because of the reliability and volume of data.

If you are unsure your host can support LinkClicky, contact technical support.

Updated on December 8, 2023
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