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  2. Getting Started
  3. How can I set up LinkClicky with Nginx?

How can I set up LinkClicky with Nginx?

LinkClicky officially does not support a pure Nginx setup. LinkClicky recommends Apache/Nginx setup or a Litespeed web server.

That being said, we have had clients use LinkClicky with Nginx and have set up using this option. Your mileage may vary.

In order for LinkClicky with Nginx, you must create custom rules similar to what’s listed below.

location / {
  if (!-e $request_filename){
    rewrite ^(.*)$ /yourls-loader.php last;

location /api/ {
  rewrite ^/api/(.+)/$ /api/index.php?action=$1&$query_string last;
Updated on September 23, 2023
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