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  3. How to track Affiliate Conversions in Microsoft Ads

How to track Affiliate Conversions in Microsoft Ads

Typically, affiliate conversions can’t be tracked with an ad network like Microsoft Ads with a pixel. With LinkClicky, you can now use Microsoft Offline Conversion events.

The first step is to setup the correct account level options:

  1. In your Microsoft Ads account, click on Settings in the left-side menu.
  2. Then select Account level options.
  3. In this section, you need to make sure three items are set up.
  4. The first is the Tracking template. Use the entry below for your tracking template.
  1. The second item is enabling Auto-tagging of Click ID. Make sure Add Microsoft Click ID (MSCLKID) to URLs to allow conversion tracking is checked.
  2. The last item is Auto-tagging of UTM. Make sure Add UTM tags to my destination URLs is unchecked.
  3. When done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The next step is to grant access to LinkClicky.

  1. In the Tools menu (top right of the screen), select the Account access option.
  2. Press the + Invite user button.
  3. Enter First name Larry, Last Name: Ludwig and Email as [email protected]
  4. For Account role select Super Admin.
  5.  When done, press the Send button.

API Configuration

  "events": {
    "checkout": {
      "LinkClicky - Checkout": "[WOOPRAREPORT]"
    "purchase": {
      "LinkClicky - Purchase": "[WOOPRAREPORT]"
Updated on October 3, 2023
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