CSV Conversion Uploads
LinkClicky can still track conversions and other events for less sophisticated affiliate systems.
Track Custom Affiliate Systems
Unfortunately, not every affiliate system supports an API. But if you can pass and store a “subid”, LinkClicky can attribute conversions. CSV uploads support services such as Affiliate WP, LinkMink, Post Affiliate Pro, ThriveCart, and even custom services.

Client Testimonials

“LinkClicky has given us the ability to track conversions and other actions like we never thought possible. I can’t recommend LinkClicky enough, and we are very grateful to have found this wonderful product.”

“LinkClicky makes my life infinitely easier because I can manage my affiliates all in one place. It has conversion tracking that lets me know which pages on my site are making money so I can spend my time on the areas that matter.”

“I highly recommend LinkClicky for those businesses that need to track links, handle affiliate transactions across various networks, and want integrations to other platforms, like Google Ads, Facebook, and more.”